Simple persistence in GitHubΒΆ


All data in Pebbles should be considered ephemeral.

In the future we have plans to offer medium-term storage between container stops and starts but currently that is still in development. This means that each user is responsible for their own persistence solution.

Github is a popular service offering Git version control for free for open source projects. There are many alternatives such as GitLab, which can be hosted on your own systems in case GitHub is not suitable for your use case.

  1. To start using GitHub create an account.
  2. After that optionally create a new repository or use an existing one
  3. It is recommended that you enable 2FA Authentication
  4. If you enabled 2FA authentication you’ll need to create an access token. Store this token in a safe place as you won’t be able to see it again!
  5. Start a Jupyter/RStudio notebook
  6. Use the HTTPS URL for cloning your repository
    • when asked for password give your access token instead
  7. Commit files to git as you would
    • you’ll need to access token to push to the remote repository

You may need to export this

export GIT_COMMITTER_NAME=username