
Getting started

After following the standard install instructions the following additional steps are required to activate docker driver:

Pull a docker image

At the time of writing, docker driver will upload images to new notebook hosts (instead of hosts pulling them from a private Docker registry). The images will need to be downloaded (from dockerhub) and placed in server’s /var/lib/pb/docker_images -directory:

As cloud-user on the server, pull the images:

docker pull rocker/rstudio

Then save the image to image directory (/var/lib/pb/docker_images by default):

docker save rocker/rstudio > /var/lib/pb/docker_images/rocker.rstudio.img

It’s essential that you write directly to /var/lib/pb/docker_images/ so the SELinux labels are created properly.


Images from the image directory are pushed to notebook hosts only when they are being prepared. This limitation will be removed in the future, see


All images are pushed to each notebook host (which may host several containers) when host is prepared. This means that less is more in the number of images.

Configure the driver

Change the following configuration variables in the web configuration page visible for admins.:


Once you enable the driver, you can take a look at the tmux status window mentioned in, window number 2 (CTRL-b 2) how the provisioning of notebook hosts in the pool is coming along.

There is a PREFIX setting that sets the prefix to use when generating pool hosts.

Create a test blueprint

Go to Web UI, select ‘Configure’ tab, click on ‘Create Blueprint’ next to DockerDriver


  • Name: docker-rstudio-10m
  • Description: Rocker RStudio image, use rstudio/rstudio as credentials
  • docker_image: rocker/rstudio
  • Internal port: 8787
  • Maximum lifetime: 10m

Save and activate, go to ‘Dashboard’ and launch an instance. Once the instance is running, click ‘Open in Browser’

Shutting down the server


DockerDriver needs to be in shutdown mode before shutting down the system. Otherwise there is a risk of leaving zombie servers!

Because DockerDriver maintains a pool of VMs to host the containers, you will have to shut it down in an orderly fashion for all the allocated resources to be deleted/released. Before shutting down the main server, simply set:


and the driver will delete the resources in the pool. In case there is an runaway container and the hosts are not empty, you will have to manually delete the VM, security group and volume from OpenStack.

Custom blueprints

There is/will be a repository with the notebook images we use. It’s located at TBD. To build one of the images clone the repo and run:

docker build .